I have a series of PDFs (Computer Gaming World issues) and I want to remove the first page from the pdf file of each issue. There are 100 issues, so a GUI is just not gonna cut it. I used pdftk to remove the first page from one issue:
pdftk 1981_1112_issue1.pdf cat 1 output 1.pdf
My problem is that I do not want to have to modify and run this command for every pdf issue as that is not much better than the GUI method.
Using *.pdf as an input does not seem to work. What other ways can I use to run pdftk on every PDF?
Loop on all issues. Output is named after issue by replacing "issue" by "output". The first line extract page 1, the second line extract the other pages:
for issue in *_issue*.pdf
pdftk ${issue} cat 1 output page1_${issue/issue/output}
pdftk ${issue} cat 2-end output otherpages_${issue/issue/output}