I am installing django-easy-pdf
, xhtml2pdf
and reportlab
using pip
I installed the following in a virtual environment.:
$ pip install django-easy-pdf
$ pip install "xhtml2pdf>=0.0.6" "reportlab>=2.7,<3"
But after the testing, there is an import error that has following message:
from reportlab.lib import PyFontify
ImportError: cannot import name PyFontify
Oh, I nearly forgot, when I'm installing the reportlab
, this came up in the middle of the setup:
running build_ext
building '_rl_accel' extension
error: Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required (Unable to find vcvarsall.bat).
Get it from http://aka.ms/vcpython27
Rolling back uninstall of reportlab
I solved this by removing the packages and their dependencies and installing it again.