It seems like the RTypeProvider
can only handle namedParams
of the same type. Is this the case?
For example,
open RDotNet
open RProvider
type foo = {
Which: string
Qty: float option
let someFoos = [{Which = "that"; Qty = Some 4.0}; {Which = "other"; Qty = Some 2.0}]
let thingForR =
namedParams [
"which", someFoos |> (fun x -> x.Which);
"qty", someFoos |> (fun x -> x.Qty);
|> R.data_frame
doesn't work as I get an error on the x.Qty
This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
float option
If I reverse the order in the thingForR
let, then I get the opposite error:
let thingForR =
namedParams [
"qty", someFoos |> (fun x -> x.Qty);
"which", someFoos |> (fun x -> x.Which);
|> R.data_frame
Here, the error on x.Which
This expression was expected to have type
float option
but here has type
Can the dictionary in the namedParams
not have different types? If so, how can you create a data frame with different types in F# and pass them to R?
You need to box the values inside the dictionary. That way they are all just object. So:
let thingForR =
namedParams [
"which", box (someFoos |> (fun x -> x.Which) );
"qty", box (someFoos |> (fun x -> x.Qty) |> (Option.toNullable >> float));
|> R.data_frame
gives me:
val thingForR :
SymbolicExpression = which qty
1 that 4
2 other 2
Please refer to your previous question on float option to convert the Option list
to float list
. Also string option if necessary.
You can go through Deedle (if not for the option values):
let someFoos' = [{Which = "that"; Qty = 4.0}; {Which = "other"; Qty = 2.0}]
let df' = someFoos' |> Frame.ofRecords
df' |> R.data_frame