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Angular $compile for dynamic content

Using Angular 1.5, I want to use a generic "overlay" component to display other components within a modal. I'd like to pass in other components to be rendered within the overlay.

I thought I could use $compile in my controller, but the component does not render:

In my controller:

ctrl.appendComponent = function(component_type) {
    ctrl.$content.empty(); // this is the overlay element
    var component = '<' + component_type + '></' + component_type + '>';

I've created the component I want to pass in, for example "foo" and get only an empty element in the DOM:


Even though, in the template for foo component, I have:


And expect to see:



  • Here is an example, but it looks like you are doing the same thing. I would suggest simplifying your code, it may be the case that something is not returning what you think it is.

                    link: function(scope, iElem, tAttrs){
                                var html = "<div>hello</div>";
                                var content = $compile(html)(scope);