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Validate method of AbstractValidator never is called using ValidatorFactoryBase

I implemented my Validations using FluentValidation and Autofac.

The CreateInstance is called, but the method Validate of AbstractValidator not, so my model not is validate using my rules.

Debugging: In CreateInstance the correct AbstractValidator is returned.

But I put breakpoints in Validate and not is called.

Any Ideia?

My code:

public class AutofacValidatorFactory : ValidatorFactoryBase
    private readonly IComponentContext _context;

    public AutofacValidatorFactory(IComponentContext context)
        _context = context;

    public override IValidator CreateInstance(Type validatorType)
        object instance;
        if (_context.TryResolve(validatorType, out instance))
            var validator = instance as IValidator;
            return validator; //UsuarioCadastrarValidator is returned 

        return null;

public class UsuarioCadastrarValidator : AbstractValidator<UsuarioCadastrarVM>
    public UsuarioCadastrarValidator()
        RuleFor(a => a.Nome).NotEmpty();

        RuleFor(a => a.Nome).Length(4, 200);


    public override ValidationResult Validate(UsuarioCadastrarVM instance)
        return base.Validate(instance); //breakpoint here not is called

    public override IValidatorDescriptor CreateDescriptor()
        return base.CreateDescriptor(); //breakpoint here IS called

    public override ValidationResult Validate(ValidationContext<UsuarioCadastrarVM> context)
        return base.Validate(context); //breakpoint here not is called

    public override Task<ValidationResult> ValidateAsync(ValidationContext<UsuarioCadastrarVM> context, CancellationToken cancellation = default(CancellationToken))
        return base.ValidateAsync(context, cancellation); //breakpoint here not is called


  • In UsuarioCadastrarVM I have a property CargoId with type int

    The problem was CargoId is a integer, so the MVC is not able to bind my post to my ViewModel, because in my tests I sended a empty value, if I send a value to CargoId or change to nullable (int?) the validation works well.