I am using simple socket.io chat example http://socket.io/get-started/chat/
And then trying to apply bluebird like this:
console.log('a user connected');
return socket.onAsync('chat message');
return io.emitAsync('chat message',msg)
console.log("something happened here")
For some reason this does not get to any .then
and moves straight to .catch
upon connection and throwing this:
Socket {
Namespace {
name: '/',
Server {
nsps: [Object],
_path: '/socket.io',
_serveClient: true,
_adapter: [Function: Adapter],
_origins: '*:*',
sockets: [Circular],
eio: [Object],
httpServer: [Object],
engine: [Object],
checkRequestAsync: [Function],
serveClientAsync: [Function],
setAsync: [Function],
pathAsync: [Function],
adapterAsync: [Function],
originsAsync: [Function],
attachAsync: [Function],
listenAsync: [Function],
attachServeAsync: [Function],
serveAsync: [Function],
bindAsync: [Function],
onconnectionAsync: [Function],
ofAsync: [Function],
closeAsync: [Function],
onAsync: [Function],
toAsync: [Function],
inAsync: [Function],
useAsync: [Function],
emitAsync: [Function],
sendAsync: [Function],
writeAsync: [Function],
clientsAsync: [Function],
compressAsync: [Function] },
sockets: { '/#gePE_87A58Q80T9rAAAA': [Circular] },
connected: { '/#gePE_87A58Q80T9rAAAA': [Circular] },
fns: [],
ids: 0,
Adapter {
nsp: [Circular],
rooms: [Object],
sids: [Object],
encoder: Encoder {} },
_events: { connection: [Function] },
_eventsCount: 1 },
Server {
nsps: { '/': [Object] },
_path: '/socket.io',
_serveClient: true,
_adapter: [Function: Adapter],
_origins: '*:*',
Namespace {
name: '/',
server: [Circular],
sockets: [Object],
connected: [Object],
fns: [],
ids: 0,
adapter: [Object],
_events: [Object],
_eventsCount: 1 },
Server {
clients: [Object],
clientsCount: 1,
pingTimeout: 60000,
pingInterval: 25000,
upgradeTimeout: 10000,
maxHttpBufferSize: 100000000,
transports: [Object],
allowUpgrades: true,
allowRequest: [Function: bound ],
cookie: 'io',
cookiePath: false,
perMessageDeflate: [Object],
httpCompression: [Object],
ws: [Object],
_events: [Object],
_eventsCount: 1 },
Server {
domain: null,
_events: [Object],
_eventsCount: 5,
_maxListeners: undefined,
_connections: 3,
_handle: [Object],
_usingSlaves: false,
_slaves: [],
_unref: false,
allowHalfOpen: true,
pauseOnConnect: false,
httpAllowHalfOpen: false,
timeout: 120000,
_pendingResponseData: 0,
_connectionKey: '6::::3000' },
Server {
clients: [Object],
clientsCount: 1,
pingTimeout: 60000,
pingInterval: 25000,
upgradeTimeout: 10000,
maxHttpBufferSize: 100000000,
transports: [Object],
allowUpgrades: true,
allowRequest: [Function: bound ],
cookie: 'io',
cookiePath: false,
perMessageDeflate: [Object],
httpCompression: [Object],
ws: [Object],
_events: [Object],
_eventsCount: 1 },
checkRequestAsync: [Function],
serveClientAsync: [Function],
setAsync: [Function],
pathAsync: [Function],
adapterAsync: [Function],
originsAsync: [Function],
attachAsync: [Function],
listenAsync: [Function],
attachServeAsync: [Function],
serveAsync: [Function],
bindAsync: [Function],
onconnectionAsync: [Function],
ofAsync: [Function],
closeAsync: [Function],
onAsync: [Function],
toAsync: [Function],
inAsync: [Function],
useAsync: [Function],
emitAsync: [Function],
sendAsync: [Function],
writeAsync: [Function],
clientsAsync: [Function],
compressAsync: [Function] },
Adapter {
Namespace {
name: '/',
server: [Object],
sockets: [Object],
connected: [Object],
fns: [],
ids: 0,
adapter: [Circular],
_events: [Object],
_eventsCount: 1 },
rooms: { '/#gePE_87A58Q80T9rAAAA': [Object] },
sids: { '/#gePE_87A58Q80T9rAAAA': [Object] },
encoder: Encoder {} },
id: '/#gePE_87A58Q80T9rAAAA',
Client {
Server {
nsps: [Object],
_path: '/socket.io',
_serveClient: true,
_adapter: [Function: Adapter],
_origins: '*:*',
sockets: [Object],
eio: [Object],
httpServer: [Object],
engine: [Object],
checkRequestAsync: [Function],
serveClientAsync: [Function],
setAsync: [Function],
pathAsync: [Function],
adapterAsync: [Function],
originsAsync: [Function],
attachAsync: [Function],
listenAsync: [Function],
attachServeAsync: [Function],
serveAsync: [Function],
bindAsync: [Function],
onconnectionAsync: [Function],
ofAsync: [Function],
closeAsync: [Function],
onAsync: [Function],
toAsync: [Function],
inAsync: [Function],
useAsync: [Function],
emitAsync: [Function],
sendAsync: [Function],
writeAsync: [Function],
clientsAsync: [Function],
compressAsync: [Function] },
Socket {
id: 'gePE_87A58Q80T9rAAAA',
server: [Object],
upgrading: false,
upgraded: false,
readyState: 'open',
writeBuffer: [Object],
packetsFn: [Object],
sentCallbackFn: [],
cleanupFn: [Object],
request: [Object],
remoteAddress: '::1',
checkIntervalTimer: null,
upgradeTimeoutTimer: null,
pingTimeoutTimer: [Object],
transport: [Object],
_events: [Object],
_eventsCount: 3 },
encoder: Encoder {},
decoder: Decoder { reconstructor: null, _callbacks: [Object] },
id: 'gePE_87A58Q80T9rAAAA',
IncomingMessage {
_readableState: [Object],
readable: false,
domain: null,
_events: {},
_eventsCount: 0,
_maxListeners: undefined,
socket: [Object],
connection: [Object],
httpVersionMajor: 1,
httpVersionMinor: 1,
httpVersion: '1.1',
complete: true,
headers: [Object],
rawHeaders: [Object],
trailers: {},
rawTrailers: [],
upgrade: false,
url: '/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=LSa9q5d',
method: 'GET',
statusCode: null,
statusMessage: null,
client: [Object],
_consuming: true,
_dumped: true,
_query: [Object],
res: [Object],
cleanup: [Function: cleanup],
read: [Function] },
onclose: [Function: bound ],
ondata: [Function: bound ],
onerror: [Function: bound ],
ondecoded: [Function: bound ],
sockets: { '/#gePE_87A58Q80T9rAAAA': [Circular] },
nsps: { '/': [Circular] },
connectBuffer: [] },
Socket {
id: 'gePE_87A58Q80T9rAAAA',
Server {
clients: [Object],
clientsCount: 1,
pingTimeout: 60000,
pingInterval: 25000,
upgradeTimeout: 10000,
maxHttpBufferSize: 100000000,
transports: [Object],
allowUpgrades: true,
allowRequest: [Function: bound ],
cookie: 'io',
cookiePath: false,
perMessageDeflate: [Object],
httpCompression: [Object],
ws: [Object],
_events: [Object],
_eventsCount: 1 },
upgrading: false,
upgraded: false,
readyState: 'open',
writeBuffer: [ [Object] ],
packetsFn: [ undefined ],
sentCallbackFn: [],
cleanupFn: [ [Function], [Function] ],
IncomingMessage {
_readableState: [Object],
readable: false,
domain: null,
_events: {},
_eventsCount: 0,
_maxListeners: undefined,
socket: [Object],
connection: [Object],
httpVersionMajor: 1,
httpVersionMinor: 1,
httpVersion: '1.1',
complete: true,
headers: [Object],
rawHeaders: [Object],
trailers: {},
rawTrailers: [],
upgrade: false,
url: '/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=LSa9q5d',
method: 'GET',
statusCode: null,
statusMessage: null,
client: [Object],
_consuming: true,
_dumped: true,
_query: [Object],
res: [Object],
cleanup: [Function: cleanup],
read: [Function] },
remoteAddress: '::1',
checkIntervalTimer: null,
upgradeTimeoutTimer: null,
{ _called: false,
_idleTimeout: 85000,
_idlePrev: [Object],
_idleNext: [Object],
_idleStart: 6060,
_onTimeout: [Function],
_repeat: null },
readyState: 'open',
discarded: false,
closeTimeout: 30000,
maxHttpBufferSize: 100000000,
httpCompression: [Object],
supportsBinary: true,
_events: [Object],
_eventsCount: 5,
sid: 'gePE_87A58Q80T9rAAAA',
req: null,
res: null,
writable: false },
{ close: [Object],
data: [Function: bound ],
error: [Function: bound ] },
_eventsCount: 3 },
rooms: { '/#gePE_87A58Q80T9rAAAA': '/#gePE_87A58Q80T9rAAAA' },
acks: {},
connected: true,
disconnected: false,
{ headers:
{ host: 'localhost:3000',
connection: 'keep-alive',
'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (K
HTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36',
accept: '*/*',
referer: 'http://localhost:3000/',
'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, sdch',
'accept-language': 'ru-RU,ru;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4',
cookie: 'io=Evc9ZXFabxXte1XXAAAB' },
time: 'Tue Sep 13 2016 17:25:34 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Summer Time)',
address: '::1',
xdomain: false,
secure: false,
issued: 1473780334962,
url: '/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=LSa9q5d',
query: { EIO: '3', transport: 'polling', t: 'LSa9q5d' } } }
Any idea why this is not working?
You cannot use Bluebird's .promisifyAll()
for common event handlers such as .on()
for a variety of reasons.
requires an async operation where the last argument is a node.js calling style function with a signature such as fn(err, data)
. The .on()
method does not follow that convention.The likely reason it goes right to the .catch()
handler is that your first argument is non-null which makes Bluebird thinks it has an error (per the above calling convention that it expects).
Promises are not an appropriate match for event handlers that can be called more than once. Because the promise will only ever resolve once, you can only ever get one notification for an event using a promise. For regular event handlers, promises are not recommended - use callbacks.