Search code examples

where to specify cluster details when using elastic search gem in Ruby

I want to access the data in Elastic Search Cluster from my rails application. Lets say server is running at http://localhost:9200 and I want to access the end point http://localhost:9200/location/type.

The following this documentation and came across this example:

require 'elasticsearch'

client = log: true

client.index index: 'my-index', type: 'my-document', id: 1, body: { title: 'Test' }

client.indices.refresh index: 'my-index' index: 'my-index', body: { query: { match: { title: 'test' } } }


  • where I will define the details of my elasticsearch cluster in the code? the cluster is running at http://localhost:9200/


  • As the documentation specifics, the elasticsearch gem wraps elasticsearch-transport for connecting to a cluster and elasticsearch-api for accessing the elasticsearch API. From the documentation of elasticsearch-transport,

    In the simplest form, connect to Elasticsearch running on http://localhost:9200 without any configuration:

    So basically, client = log: true will by default connect to the cluster running at localhost:9200 (the same machine as your Rails app).

    Go ahead and try executing after establishing the connection and you'll get to know if it succeeded or not.

    Moreover, if your cluster runs on a different server, you can use the following to connect to it:

    es = host: http(s)://<path-to-cluster-server>