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Is it possible to change (or add) a custom keyed Class-path entry in the Manifest?

While using the maven-jar-plugin: is it possible to create a custom classpath key entry in the Manifest with the same content as Class-Path? e.g. in this case Cluster-Dependencies:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: scala-library-2.10.6.jar scalatest_2.10-3.0.0.jar
Cluster-Dependencies: scala-library-2.10.6.jar scalatest_2.10-3.0.0.jar

and the relevant section from the pom.xml



  • This is how I achieved it:

                    <replacement xml:space="preserve"> </replacement>

    Its verbosity is mainly due to the impossibility of defining spaces or empty characters for the build-classpath goal (or at least I couldn't easily make it), hence several regex are applied to achieve it on the final ${} property which will contain the project classpath and can then be used as a placeholder of the Manifest entry.

    Also note the usage of the xml:space="preserve" attribute in the regex replacement, without it there was no way of applying a space as file separator.