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Laravel 5.2 EagerLoading relationship returns null

I'm upgrading to Laravel 5.2 from 4.2 and running into a weird issues where when I'm using Eager Loading on a relationship, it returns null, but I can call it manually.

Here's my parent model:

namespace App\Models\Hours;

class Hours extends Model {

 * Model Setup
protected $table = 'leave_hours';
protected $primaryKey = 'leave_id';
public $timestamps = false;

  * Relationships
public function hoursStatus()
    return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Hours\HoursStatusType', 'leave_status_code');

Here's the HoursStatusType model:


namespace App\Models\Hours;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class HoursStatusType extends Model {

     * Model Setup
    protected $table = 'leave_status_type';
    protected $primaryKey = 'leave_status_code';
    public $timestamps = false;

      * Relationships
    public function hours()
        return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Hours\Hours');


Basically Hours has PTO requests that has a status (ie. Pending, Approved, etc). HoursStatusType has only 4 rows and it belongs to many of the Hours request.

I'm doing a big request on the Hours like:

$requests = Hours::with('hoursStatus')->get();

foreach($requests as $r){

When I try to print this out using a foreach loop, the hoursStatus relationship is blank. HOWEVER, when when I call it without the eager loading, it's fine. The only thing I have changed since upgrading from 4.2 (besides adding namespace) is change the hoursStatus relationship to belongsTo from a hasOne. Another couple of posts mentioned that changing it should fix it. Not so much.

Am I missing something? Thanks!


  • You should add public $incrementing = false; to your models setup, when the PK is not an autoincrementing int.