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Query Realm get object which have particularly object in a list

I think this is a simple solution, but i´m stuck with the best approach.

My Realm Database is made with the objects POI and CATEGORY. Where a POI can have one or multiple object of CATEGORY

class POI: Object {

  dynamic var id:String = ""
  dynamic var name:String = ""
  dynamic var visited:Bool = false;

  let categories = List<CATEGORY>()

  override static func primaryKey() -> String?
      return "id";

Later I need to show the number of POI that have a particular CATEGORY, and the number of POI that have a given CATEGORY with the boolean visited has true.

Something like this:

func getAllVisitedPointsWithCategory(idCategory:String) -> Results<POI>  {


func getAllPointsWithCategory(idCategory:String) -> Results<POI>{


Any suggestion?


  • This should work:

    func getAllVisitedPointsWithCategory(idCategory:String) -> [POI]  {
        let containingPOI = getAllPointsWithCategory(idCategory)
        return containingPOI.filter({ (poi) -> Bool in
            return poi.visited
    func getAllPointsWithCategory(idCategory:String) -> [POI] {
        let realm = try! Realm()
        let containingPOI = realm.objects(POI).filter({ (poi) -> Bool in
            return poi.categories.contains({ (cat) -> Bool in
                return idCategory ==
        return containingPOI

    It's basically just querying data and filtering the result.