I have recently upgraded the server to PHP7 (L5.2) and having trouble with Memcache. The error message is Class Memcache does not exist
. I already have installed Memcached PECL but seems like it doesn't go well with PHP7. What is the best alternative solution to get it worked?
At the moment I was installing memcached for PHP7 it was not finished as stable for PHP7. But here is the way to build it using commands:
yum install libmemcached-devel
wget https://github.com/php-memcached-dev/php-memcached/archive/php7.zip -O php-memcached-php7.zip
unzip php-memcached-php7.zip
cd php-memcached-php7
make install
echo 'extension=memcached.so' >> /etc/php.ini
This script is for CentOS 7, but generally it should work everywhere, with minor changes