I am using the latest Facebook SDK and I get this error when I run the block of code below: Facebook signup error - The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook.sdk.login error 308.)
Here is my code:
func signupWithFacebook() {
FBSDKLoginManager().logIn(withReadPermissions: ["public_profile"], from: self) { (result, error) in
if let error = error {
print("Facebook signup error - \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else if result != nil {
let credential = FIRFacebookAuthProvider.credential(withAccessToken: FBSDKAccessToken.current().tokenString)
self.facebookSignup = true
self.addUserToAuth(credential, twitterUserID: "")
I Figured it out! It has to do with the way Apple deals with Keychain. All you have to do is go into the "Compatibilities" tab under the target for your app and turn "Keychain Sharing" on. Here is a more fulfilling answer.