Is there anyway to turn off recording or clear all of the _PushStatus class? It is getting very large and I will never need it.
I have already tried:
*query from IOS app, the findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock
method gives empty data.
*query from cloud code funtion, also empty results
There is no way to turn it off for the moment. You can open a pull request to add that option, or periodically drop the table from your MongoDB database.
You can put a TTL on a collection right through an index.
We cap the collection size to objects that are less than a month old, and it's working flawlessly:
"v": 1,
"key": {
"_created_at": 1
"name": "_created_at_1",
"ns": "parse-ampme-prod._PushStatus",
"background": true,
"expireAfterSeconds": 2592000
You can create such an index using:
db.["_PushStatus"].createIndex( { "_created_at": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 3600 } );
This will automatically delete all objects that are older than an hour, and you can adapt it to your needs.