I'm using Telegram API to develop small custom chat application. I managed to make some basic operations like authorization/chats creation and inviting other users to them.
Now I need to be able to get and handle updates that should come from Telegram itself - like incoming chat messages and other updates.
How do I do this in Telegram API? Is there any long-polling mechanism or something similar? I read all API documentation but failed to find any API that would allow to subscribe to update messages. Best thing that I've found is this updates.getDifference, but it is just a request that allows to get all updates - not to subscribe for new ones.
N.B. I'm not using Telegram Bot Api.
Your Telegram client keeps an open connection(s) to the telegram servers for active session(s).
Telegram sends you message update as long as this connection stays open.
I find it best to simply listen for in-bound message from Telegram Servers and process the payload(TL data) received as my use-case dictates.
At startup I just send this from a connection to my primary DC:
msg = TL.invokewithlayer(layer, TL.initconnection(app_id, device_model, system_version, app_version, lang_code, TL.help_getconfig))