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Laravel carbon group by time period

I am trying to make an archive with Laravel where I can store written articles. I want this to have a structure like:

 - Today
   - Article 1
 - This week
   - Article 2
   - article 3
 - This month
   - Article 4
 - This year
   - Article 4

And when there are no articles in, for example "Today", the title "Today" is not shown. Same for any other category.

I managed to make an archive where I could store articles within a specific format, like per year:

$archives = Article::all()->groupBy(function($date) {
      return Carbon::parse($date->created_at)->format('Y');


but is it possible to achive the list I gave above with some changes to the code I have now or with some other code?


  • I think using MySQL, we can make it fairly elegant (although it does require a DB::raw()). Also it's pretty easy to make changes to.

    $groupSelect =
        WHEN DAYOFYEAR(created_at) = DAYOFYEAR(CURDATE()) THEN 'Today'
        WHEN WEEKOFYEAR(created_at) = WEEKOFYEAR(CURDATE()) THEN 'This Week'
        WHEN DATE_FORMAT(created_at, '%Y-%m') = DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(), '%Y-%m') THEN 'This Month'
        WHEN YEAR(created_at) = YEAR(CURDATE()) THEN 'This Year'
        ELSE 'Super Duper Long Time Ago'
    END AS theGroup";
    $archives = Article::select('*')->addSelect(DB::raw($groupSelect))->get()->groupBy(function($article) {
        return $article->theGroup;

    If you don't like the raw SQL you can add a function to your Article model which will read the date and determine if it's Today, This Week, This Month, or This Year and returns that string...

    public function getDiffForArchive()
        if ( strtotime($this->attributes['created_at']) > strtotime('-1 day')) {
            return 'Today';
        } else if (...) {  // Continue on with above logic.
            return '...';

    Then in your callback it's as simple as...

    return $article->getDiffForArchive();


    I've updated the SQL because I think it's close to what you want and also needed to start with select('*) on your query builder, otherwise it will only select the theGroup. It works now though, I've tested it.