Using the R
package DiagrammeR
, I would like to create a hierarchical representation of regression model trees.
I have four splits of my original data (blue ellipses) and five terminal nodes (red squares). As you can see from the image below, models 2, 7 and 8 are terminal nodes, but they do not appear on the same level (with respect to their vertical alignment) as models 4 and 5. How can I achieve this?
digraph CFA {
# Multiple level nodes
node [shape = ellipse, color=CornflowerBlue]
a [label = '@@1'];
b [label = '@@2'];
c [label = '@@3'];
d [label = '@@4'];
# Terminal branch nodes
node [shape = box, color = Crimson]
e [label = 'Model 2'];
f [label = 'Model 4'];
g [label = 'Model 5'];
h [label = 'Model 7'];
i [label = 'Model 8'];
# Connect nodes with edges and labels
a -> b [label = 'Condition 1a']
a -> d [label = 'Condition 1b']
b -> e [label = 'Condition 2a']
b -> c [label = 'Condition 2b']
c -> f [label = 'Condition 3a']
c -> g [label = 'Condition 3b']
d -> h [label = 'Condition 4a']
d -> i [label = 'Condition 4b']
[1]: 'Split 1'
[2]: paste0('Model 1\\n Split 2')
[3]: paste0('Model 3\\n Split 3')
[4]: paste0('Model 6\\n Split 4')
I have found to adjust the length of the edges manually by grouping the terminal nodes that were not placed as expected and defining the minlength
argument (see below). However, I would prefer an approach that requires no fiddling around with parameters.
digraph CFA {
# latent variables
node [shape = ellipse, color=CornflowerBlue]
a [label = '@@1'];
b [label = '@@2'];
c [label = '@@3'];
d [label = '@@4'];
node [shape = box, color = Crimson]
e [label = 'Model 2'];
f [label = 'Model 4'];
g [label = 'Model 5'];
h [label = 'Model 7'];
i [label = 'Model 8'];
# Define arrow length for first group
edge [color = grey, minlen = 1]
a -> b [label = 'Condition 1a']
a -> d [label = 'Condition 1b']
b -> c [label = 'Condition 2b']
c -> f [label = 'Condition 3a']
c -> g [label = 'Condition 3b']
# Define edge length for models 2, 7 and 8
edge [color = grey, minlen = 2]
b -> e [label = 'Condition 2a']
d -> h [label = 'Condition 4a']
d -> i [label = 'Condition 4b']
[1]: 'Split 1'
[2]: paste0('Model 1\\n Split 2')
[3]: paste0('Model 3\\n Split 3')
[4]: paste0('Model 6\\n Split 4')
For example
digraph CFA {
# Multiple level nodes
node [shape = ellipse, color=CornflowerBlue]
a [label = '@@1'];
b [label = '@@2'];
c [label = '@@3'];
d [label = '@@4'];
{rank = same; b; d}
# Terminal branch nodes
node [shape = box, color = Crimson]
e [label = 'Model 2'];
f [label = 'Model 4'];
g [label = 'Model 5'];
h [label = 'Model 7'];
i [label = 'Model 8'];
{rank = same; e; f; g; h; i}
# Connect nodes with edges and labels
a -> b [label = 'Condition 1a']
a -> d [label = 'Condition 1b']
b -> e [label = 'Condition 2a']
b -> c [label = 'Condition 2b']
c -> f [label = 'Condition 3a']
c -> g [label = 'Condition 3b']
d -> h [label = 'Conddition 4a']
d -> i [label = 'Condition 4b']
[1]: 'Split 1'
[2]: paste0('Model 1\\n Split 2')
[3]: paste0('Model 3\\n Split 3')
[4]: paste0('Model 6\\n Split 4')
gives you