Problem: XElement.DescendantNodes()
appears to output some parts TWICE.
I need to get the entire contents of a <body>
element to copy to a new html doc within a <div>
with an embedded style. This is for html mail, where embedded style should work better than a style block because many mail agents strip the <head>
section. However, I run into the trouble of getting some parts TWICE. How to fix this?
Here is the example input:
some text
<a href="">Click Me</a>
<br />
<span>more text</span>
This is the output with duplicate strings, otherwise it is exactly what I need:
<div style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px;">
some text
<a href="">Click Me</a>
Click Me <<<===duplicate!!!
<br />
<span>more text</span>
more text <<<===duplicate!!!
and this is the code, where I hoped that DescendantNodes()
should be the correct method to extract both xelement nodes like <a>
and text nodes like "some text":
using System.Xml.Linq;//XElement
XElement InputMail =
new XElement("body",
"some text",
new XElement("a",
new XAttribute("href", ""),
"Click Me"),
new XElement("br"),
new XElement("span", "more text"));
XElement OutputMail =
new XElement("body",
new XElement("div",
new XAttribute("style", "font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px;"),
will return really all nodes, including children, grandchild nodes and so on. That is why you see duplications - inner-most nodes are returned as part of their respective parents, plus as themselves. You need only direct child nodes, and for that you can use:
XElement OutputMail =
new XElement("body",
new XElement("div",
new XAttribute("style", "font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px;"),