I'm trying to add a date range filter to my searchkick
This is what i have
@events = Event.page(params[:page]).per(10).search(params[:search], misspellings: { distance: 1 }, order: { date: :asc, eventname: :asc }, match: :word_start, page: params[:page], per_page: 20)
if params[:date_from]
@events = @events.where('date BETWEEN ? AND ?', params[:date_from], params[:date_to])
However the issue i'm getting is this:
*** NoMethodError Exception: undefined method `where' for #<Searchkick::Results:0x007f95eaf97f90>
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I know this is potentially better in another question but its kinda the same question
def search
@events = Event.page(params[:page]).per(10)
if params[:date_from]
@events = @events.where('date between ? AND ?', params[:date_from], params[:date_to])
@events = @events.search(params[:search], misspellings: { distance: 1 }, order: { date: :asc, eventname: :asc }, match: :word_start, page: params[:page], per_page: 20)
if @events.results.any?
render 'events/results'
Now this isn't working how i want it, I've got the event name, the datefrom and to being passed through on the params. If i type @events
on the byebug it gets events in the range, but doesnt get the event i need
it looks like searchkick uses it's own query syntax. so something like this might help
search_opts = {
misspellings: { distance: 1 },
order: { date: :asc, eventname: :asc },
match: :word_start,
page: params[:page],
per_page: 20
if params[:date_from]
search_opts[:where] = { date: {gte: params[:date_from], lte: params[:date_to]} }
@events = Event.search params[:search], search_opts