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sbt/ivy version ranges does not resolve but exact versions do

I can't seem to get SBT to resolve my dependencies when I use the range syntax.


libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  //exact version works i.e.     0.5.3+27
  //but what we want to work is  [0.5.3,)
  //or I've since moved the build number to the 4th component  0.5.3.+
  "company"                %% "project"      % "0.5.3.+",

I can get exact versions to work fine, but none of the version syntax specified at or the examples on work.

I've looked around and found there was a fix for something like this here which went into sbt 0.13.9, I'm using 0.13.11.

The first version range is what I was using because of what Semantic version recommends for meta data in point 10 when that didn't work, the library management docs / Ivy revision docs says "end the revision with a + selects the latest sub-revision of the dependency module", so I removed the + in case that was causing a problem and added the 4th component which is just the build number GoCD provides. Again exact version works but not sub-revisions.

In sbt I can see URL of the two formats being hit:


Note here [revision] is what is literally in the URL printed. The things in angle brackets are my replacements. Hence why I thought issue 2005 was related. I don't have an SBT repositories file.

So for the question, have I been doing something wrong in the above, how do I get version range work with the syntax i.e. 0.x.x.+?


  • Worked around this. Bintray directory listings doesn't have valid HTTP links (anti-crawler effort on Binary's part.) As a result the Ivy resolver fails to fetch the list of published versions.

    Using the maven layout instead of Ivy's works out because Maven format includes a metadata.xml which lists all available versions. So the work around is to republish libs using the maven layout instead of Ivy's to get this meta data.