I want to make a plot like this one in MATLAB:
I searched in google but I did not find any way to do it in MATLAB.
How can I do that figure in MATLAB? Does not need to be exactly the same plot but the same info must be involved in the plot.
It is too long for a comment, so here is a fixed (and without loops) version of @nilZ0r answer (if you are going to accept any answer, accept his). I annotated the changes:
% Create figure and axes
f = figure('Color',[1 1 1]); clf % <-- white background
a = axes;
aPos = [0.1 0.1 0.03 0.8];
gbColor = [0 1 0.7];
yTick = logspace(4,10,7);
YTickLlb = {'0.01MHz','0.1 MHz','1.0 MHz','10 MHz','100 MHz','1 GHz',''};
'Position', aPos, ...
'YAxisLocation','right', ...
'YLim', yTick([1 end]), ...
'XTick',[], ...
'Color', gbColor)
% Plot text
txtFontSize = 12;
txt = {'Hearing threshold (20 kHz)','Therapeutic applications',...
'Medical imaging','Ultrasound microscopy'};
txtPos = [2e4 1e6 2e7 1e9];
txtOffset = 5;
% No need for a loop:
text(ones(numel(txtPos),1)*txtOffset, txtPos, txt,'FontSize', txtFontSize);
% Plot arrows (with figure as reference)
arrowPos = [[6 70]*1e6; [7 70]*1e8]; % <-- matrix instead of a cell array
% arrowType is deleted
arrowOffset = (aPos(1) + aPos(3)*txtOffset*0.9)*[1 1];
normYTick = linspace(0,1,length(yTick));
% two different calls to 'annotation', based on the arrow type:
annotation(f, 'doublearrow', arrowOffset, interp1(yTick, normYTick,...
arrowPos(1,:))*aPos(4) + aPos(2),'HeadStyle','Plain','Head1Width',4,...
'Head2Width',4, 'Head1Length', 4,'Head2Length', 4);
annotation(f, 'arrow', arrowOffset, interp1(yTick, normYTick,...
arrowPos(2,:))*aPos(4) + aPos(2),'HeadStyle','Plain','HeadWidth',4,...
% Plot information text
text(7, yTick(end), '\lambda f = 1500 ms^{-1} in water',...
'FontSize', txtFontSize)
And the result: