I need to allow users to submit requests for very, very large jobs. We are talking 100 gigabytes of memory and 20 hours of computing time. This costs our company a lot of money, so it was stipulated that only 2 jobs could be running at any time, and requests for new jobs when 2 are already running would be rejected (and the user notified that the server is busy).
My current solution uses an Executor from concurrent.futures, and requires setting the Apache server to run only one process, reducing responsiveness (current user count is very low, so it's okay for now).
If possible I would like to use Celery for this, but I did not see in the documentation any way to accomplish this particular setting.
How can I run up to a limited number of jobs in the background in a Django application, and notify users when jobs are rejected because the server is busy?
I have two solutions for this particular case, one an out of the box solution by celery, and another one that you implement yourself.
You might also be interested in rate limits.
You can do it all yourself, using a locking solution of choice. In particular, a nice implementation that makes sure only two processes are running with redis (and redis-py) is as simple as the following. (Considering you know redis, since you know celery)
from redis import StrictRedis
redis = StrictRedis('localhost', '6379')
locks = ['compute:lock1', 'compute:lock2']
for key in locks:
lock = redis.lock(key, blocking_timeout=5)
acquired = lock.acquire()
if acquired:
print("Gonna try next possible slot")
if not acquired:
raise SystemLimitsReached("Already at max capacity !")
This way you make sure only two running processes can exist in the system. A third processes will block in the line lock.acquire()
for blocking_timeout seconds, if the locking was successful, acquired
would be True, else it's False and you'd tell your user to wait !
I had the same requirement sometime in the past and what I ended up coding was something like the solution above. In particular