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AdomdConnection connection to mondrian from C#

I am facing issue while connecting to mondrian from C# application. Below is my dev environment.

  1. Visual Studio version - 2015
  2. Mondrian - mondrian-
  3. Tomcat - apache-tomcat-7.0.62

I have followed the same steps as mentioned here. Installed SQLSERVER2008_ASADOMD10.msi (6926 KB) as I am using Windows 7 64 bit OS.

EDIT In that link, they have NOT mentioned for Visual Studio 2015 Applications. Is it not supported for Visual Studio 2015 ?

Below is my code;

public DataTable GetMondrianData(string mdxQuery)
   string connectionString = "Data Source=http://localhost:8080/mondrian/xmla; Initial Catalog=FoodMart;";
   using (AdomdConnection con = new AdomdConnection(connectionString))

         AdomdCommand cmd = new AdomdCommand(mdxQuery, con);
         AdomdDataAdapter da = new AdomdDataAdapter(cmd);
         DataSet dsMondrian = new DataSet();
         da.Fill(dsMondrian, "olap");
         return dtResult;
      catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception("An error occurred while fetching mondrian data " + ex.Message);

In con.Open(); I am getting {"Element 'return' was not found. Line 7, position 4."} error.

Please let me know how to resolve this issue.

Regards Vishwanath


  • ADOMD doesn't work with mondrian, because Mondrian developers cut off service for this. They are also remove web app. I use XMondrian base on Mondrian 3.12 with web app. You will need connect to the mondrian via HTTP, write parser for XML answear and write .NET provider for this.