I am using MEAN stack in my application with AngularJS as my front-end.How Can I change the green color
to tollerence
in table as a manually. My Plunker
Look at My plunker to refference.
What we did has, we have used ng-show
in the tollerrence filed if the value is greaterthan
to 100 it's should need to highlight has a red color
If the value is lesserthan
to 100 means it's should need to highlight has a green color
what we exactly looking for if the tollerence
value is greaterthan
100 means it's highlighting like red color
, so once it's approved means this value is need to change has a green color
, so how we would to do the changes as a manual,
Any idea about the solution, please help us..
My Html:-
<td > <p ng-show="{{(mani.invoice_quantity *1) + (mani.conversion_rate *1) | number:2}}>100" style="background-color: red;">{{(mani.invoice_quantity *1) + (mani.conversion_rate *1) | number:2}}</p>
<p ng-show="{{(mani.invoice_quantity *1) + (mani.conversion_rate *1) | number:2}}<100" style="background-color: Green;">{{(mani.invoice_quantity *1) + (mani.conversion_rate *1) | number:2}}</p></td>
My data:-
$scope.sryarndebitnote = [
"_id": "57ac1b6d82e1c5940ac3c730",
"user": {
"_id": "57400c32bd07906c1308e2cf",
"displayName": "mani selvam"
"__v": 0,
"created": "2016-08-11T06:30:05.118Z",
"shipment_id": "57ac19b982e1c5940ac3c72f",
"conversion_rate": "62.04",
"invoice_value_fob_currency": "Rs",
"invoice_value_fob": "300.231",
"invoice_quantity_unit": "KG",
"invoice_quantity": "37",
"invoice_date": "2016-08-17",
"supplier_name": "Msd",
"buyer_name": "Mani selvam .R"
"_id": "57b5af69df0475401f644b2e",
"user": {
"_id": "57400c32bd07906c1308e2cf",
"displayName": "mani selvam"
"__v": 0,
"created": "2016-08-18T12:51:53.671Z",
"shipment_id": "57b5af5bdf0475401f644b2d",
"conversion_rate": "62.06",
"exclusive": true,
"invoice_value_fob": "400.343",
"invoice_quantity": "97",
"supplier_name": "Msd",
"buyer_name": "Mani selvam .R"
first of all i would recommend you to use ngStyle
instead of this ngShow
. if you want to change it manualy you can add a button and add a change the value of the
<p ng-style="{'background-color': (mani.invoice_quantity *1) + (mani.conversion_rate *1) > 100 || mani.approved ? 'green' : 'red'}">{{(mani.invoice_quantity *1) + (mani.conversion_rate *1) | number:2}}</p>
<button ng-click="mani.approved = true">Approve</button>