I want to create a chart, for view vs dates. So I used angular-nvd3 plugin. Chart is displaying fine. I have same color for all descrete bar elements. I need to change the color of specific bar on moseover event. I tried following methods.
(1) d3.select(this).atrr('rect').style('fill':'red');
(2) $scope.options.chart[e.index].color = "#222";
But non of them are working. Is there any way to do this.
$scope.options = {
chart: {
type: 'discreteBarChart',
height: 450,
x: function(d){return d.label;},
y: function(d){return d.value;},
showValues: false,
transitionDuration: 500,
xAxis: {
axisLabel: 'Month'
yAxis: {
axisLabel: 'Views',
axisLabelDistance: 10,
tickFormat: function (d) {
return d3.format('k')(d);
color: ['#59ade8'],
dispatch: {
tooltipShow: function(e){ },
tooltipHide: function(e){},
beforeUpdate: function(e){}
discretebar: {
dispatch: {
//chartClick: function(e) {console.log("! chart Click !")},
elementClick: function(e) {
selected_element = e;
elementMouseout: function(e) {},
elementMouseover: function(e) {
d3.select(e).color = '#222'
$scope.data = [{
values: [{
"label" : "10" ,
"value" : 50
"label" : "11" ,
"value" : 20
"label" : "13" ,
"value" : 60
"label" : "14" ,
"value" : 90
"label" : "15" ,
"value" : 40
"label" : "16" ,
"value" : 50
"label" : "17" ,
"value" : 30
I solved the problem by using $scope.apply() function. It made my day. I change each bar color by
$scope.data[0].values[e.index].color = '#59ade8';