My code calls a server and get a old-response
Then I want to poll until I get a different response from the server (aka new-response
I I use while loop I can hold the new-response
and use it after polling.
If I use awaitility
how can I get the new-response
Here is my code:
public Version waitForNewConfig() throws Exception {
Version oldVersion = deploymentClient.getCurrentConfigVersion(appName);
await().atMost(1, MINUTES).pollInterval(5, SECONDS).until(newVersionIsReady(oldVersion));
Version newVersion = deploymentClient.getCurrentConfigVersion(appName);
private Callable<Boolean> newVersionIsReady(Version oldVersion) {
return new Callable<Boolean>() {
public Boolean call() throws Exception {
Version newVersion = deploymentClient.getCurrentConfigVersion(appName);
return !oldVersion.equals(newVersion);
One way is to make a specialized Callable implementation that remembers it :
public Version waitForNewConfig() throws Exception {
NewVersionIsReady newVersionIsReady = new NewVersionIsReady(deploymentClient.getCurrentConfigVersion(appName));
await().atMost(1, MINUTES).pollInterval(5, SECONDS).until(newVersionIsReady);
return newVersionIsReady.getNewVersion();
private final class NewVersionIsReady implements Callable<Boolean> {
private final Version oldVersion;
private Version newVersion;
private NewVersionIsReady(Version oldVersion) {
this.oldVersion = oldVersion;
public Boolean call() throws Exception {
Version newVersion = deploymentClient.getCurrentConfigVersion(appName);
return !oldVersion.equals(newVersion);
public Version getNewVersion() {
return newVersion;
Another is to store it in a container (as an example I use an array)
public Version waitForNewConfig() throws Exception {
Version[] currentVersionHolder = new Version[1];
Version oldVersion = deploymentClient.getCurrentConfigVersion(appName);
await().atMost(1, MINUTES).pollInterval(5, SECONDS).until(() -> {
Version newVersion = deploymentClient.getCurrentConfigVersion(appName);
currentVersionHolder[0] = newVersion;
return !oldVersion.equals(newVersion);
return currentVersionHolder[0];
If you don't use java 8 yet, you can do it using an anonymous inner class as well.