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Spring Cloud Config Server - Placeholder Label

I have developed a microservice using Spring Boot. This service is fetching the properties using Spring cloud config server. This microservice accepts version in the header and based on version , it executes the appropriate function. In my github repo , I have 2 branches , 1 for each version. The service usually sends the below information to config server to fetch the properties -

application-name + profile + label

Is there a way to have a placeholder in place of label in my .yml file? I want the label to be set to v1 dynamically , if I see v1 in the header else v2.


I see references to placeholder in this documentation ( under section "Placeholders in Git URI", however I am not sure how values can be substituted dynamically from incoming request


  • spring-cloud-config-server makes several REST API available, allowing to query directly for a property file:

    $ hostname:port/{label}/{name}-{profiles}.properties]

    You can dynamically use any label of your choice, as long as it matches an existing label on git.

    For instance, to retrieve, labeled v1 in git:

     $ http://${hostname}:${port}/v1/

    Config-server REST API:

    • /{name}/{profiles}/{label:.*
    • /{label}/{name}-{profiles}.properties
    • /{name}-{profiles}.json
    • /{label}/{name}-{profiles}.json
    • /{label}/{name}-{profiles}.yml
    • /{label}/{name}-{profiles}.yaml
    • /{name}-{profiles}.yml
    • /{name}-{profiles}.yaml
    • /{name}/{profiles:.[^-].}
    • /{name}-{profiles}.properties
    • /{name}/{profile}/{label}/**

    I tried a sample spring-cloud-server project with a property file on a git. I applied the git tags v1 and v2 with different values in the file for each label (I used the profile remote):

    label v1:

    > testproperty: remotevalue-v1

    label v2:

    > testproperty: remotevalue-v2

    no label:

    > testproperty: remotevalue-master

    Java code

    I did not try it, but I suppose you could also use cloud-config-server's java API (injecting and calling the controller directly instead of doing an http request):

    EnvironmentController environmentController;
    Environment labelled = environmentController.labelled("application", "remote", "v1");
    Map<?, ?> keyValues = labelled.getPropertySources().get(0).getSource();