I downloaded ejabberd for Windows, and during the setup process created the admin name and password. I'm attempting to access the admin control panel (localhost:5280/admin), and am attempting to login with the username (admin@MyServer) and password, but each time it just asks me to log in again. The server is running too, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
ejabberd 16.09 will be released shortly and will include that fix. Ref: Here.
for now start ejabberd with this command ejabberdctl live
and see the log when you try to login.
if it says in-existed account
than you have to download xmpp client software from here.
After Installing this creat the admin account from this client after you have does this you will be successful is logging in the admin control.
1. Protocol : xmpp
2. Username : admin
3. Domain : MyServer
4. Password : asyouwant
1. Connect Server : localhost
donot forget to check the create this account on the server