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How to short text alphabetical whit giving value for each character

I was thinking if good way short strings whit character value. Like A = 0, B = 1...

I made some code, but best i get is wrong answer and i think i know where is problem but i dont know what is the problem.

So here is code:

void Start()
    i = Inventory.instance;
    List<Items> items = i.returnList("Food");
    Debug.Log(items.Count); List<Items> sItems = GetListSetList(items);

    foreach (Items item in sItems)

List items = i.returnList ("Food"); <-- This part is where i ask inventory return all "Food" taged items. Code is here:

public List<Items> returnList(string tag)
    List<Items> classifiedItemSet = new List<Items>();
    foreach (Items i in items)
        if (i.tag == tag)
    return classifiedItemSet;

List sItems = GetListSetList (items); <-- This is part where i really try short list what i get from inventory. It looks like this :

 private List<Items> GetListSetList(List<Items> itemS)
    foreach (Items item in itemS)
    List<Items> shorted = new List<Items>();
    Items[] hold = new Items[itemS.Count];
    foreach (Items item in itemS)
        for (int x = 0; x < hold.Length; x++)
            if (hold[x] == null)
                hold[x] = item;
                bool PassIt = true;
                for (int c_value = 0; c_value < item.Alphabet_value.Length; c_value++)                    
                    if (item.Alphabet_value[c_value] > hold[x].Alphabet_value[c_value])                        
                        PassIt = false;                       

                if (PassIt)
                    for (int h_pos = hold.Length - 1; h_pos > x; h_pos--)                       
                        if (hold[h_pos] != null)
                            hold[h_pos] = hold[h_pos - 1];                       

                    hold[x] = item;
                    break; // If i use this break i get error ("NullReferenceException")
                else continue;                             
    for (int x = 0; x < hold.Length; x++)        
    return shorted;

Start of this void i give every character in every items name string some value. It is this part : GetAlphabetaValue (item); Oh and sorry naming it AlphaBeta :) Okey how i get this values is this :

 private void GetAlphabetaValue(Items x)
    x.Alphabet_value = new int[];
    for (int c = 0; c < x.Alphabet_value.Length; c++)
        string character =, 1);
        switch (character)
            case "a":
                x.Alphabet_value[c] = 0;
            case "b":
                x.Alphabet_value[c] = 1;
            case "c":
                x.Alphabet_value[c] = 2;
            case "d":
                x.Alphabet_value[c] = 3;
            case "e":
                x.Alphabet_value[c] = 4;
            case "f":
                x.Alphabet_value[c] = 5;
            //To the end

I hope you understand what i try to talk :D Thank you :) And i try find some information in internet before i start doing this, but i dont find anything how really can short multiple string from array.

This part i think i got wrong but now i cant just see what wrong whit that :

 for (int h_pos = hold.Length - 1; h_pos > x; h_pos--) 
      if (hold [h_pos] != null)
        hold [h_pos] = hold [h_pos - 1];                        
        hold [x] = item;


  • To start with do you really think it's a good idea to have a +20 switch-case?

    Characters are already numbered, characters a-z in enligsh alphabet correspond to 97-122 chars in Unicode.

    This function:

    void GetAlphabetaValue(Items x)
      x.Alphabet_value = new int[];
      for (int c = 0; c < x.Alphabet_value.Length; c++) 
          string character = (c, 1);
          character.ToLower ();
          switch (character) 
          case "a":
             x.Alphabet_value [c] = 0;
           ///Etc... //Etc..... And end.  

    Becomes this:

    void GetAlphabetaValue2(Items x)
        var CharIntList = List<int>; 
        foreach (char ch in x.Name)
            CharIntList.Alphabet_value.Add(ch - 97);
       x.Alphabet_value = CharIntList.ToArray();

    Much simpler. Also you code is messy, hard to understand and bad formatted. Probably you are new to C# so you should read about how you are supposed to write code, It's not like I do it well, but other pepole should be able to understand your code.

    Then about you question, I think you mean to sort not to short (Completly different things). Also why is Items in plural? it's a singular thing, then it should be Item.

    Well, I don't know about your problem, but you can replace your GetListSetList() function to this:

    private List<Items> GetListSetList(List<Items> items)
        foreach (Items item in items)
        return items;