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how validate empty controls in windowsform

i create a windows form with multi controls (text box & date time picker & combo box) then use error provider to check if a control is empty or not (14 of controls must be filled), with a messy code to check (14 if statement on the save button event) it shows the errors but stores the form in database. how can i prevent save button to insert the form whiteout any of this 14 controls

red Square shows controls that needs to be saved


  • my problem solved by validating event .

    under validating event of each control that need to be filled`

      private void cmb_nof_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
        private bool Validatecmb_nof()
            bool bstatus = true;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmb_nof.Text))
                errorProvider1.SetError(cmb_nof, "item required");
                bstatus = false;
                errorProvider1.SetError(cmb_nof, "");
            return bstatus;

    `and under saver button click event this code

                bool Valnof = Validatecmb_nof();
                if ( Valnof )
                //some events   
                    MessageBox.Show("Please enter valid data");