I'm trying to distribute a beta version through Fiber/Crashlytics. I've been doing this for ages but this time I'm unable to make it work correctly (iOS9+).
My app uses icloud keyvalue store, IAP and push notifications, so it has an entitlements file. The thing is, when I archive and distribute the app, Crashlytics sends the email with the new version to testers and they are able to install it BUT, as soon as it ends installing, a "…could not be installed at this time" appears and the app deletes itself. In the other hand, if I remove the "code signing entitlements" value from Building Settings, the installation works ok (but icloud and other things aren't working, of course).
What am I doing wrong? Is there a workaround for this situation?
It turns out that the entitlements file had something wrong (even when I've never edited it by myself!). I had enabled and disabled the required capabilities trying to fix my problem but it didn't worked until I deleted the entitlements file and forced Xcode to recreate it by enabling capabilities again.
After that, I've hadn't any problem to archive and distribute my beta.