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How to create a launch image or how to get an empty status bar

I want to create a launch image for my app. The HIG states:

For iPhone and iPod touch create launch images that include the status bar region in the following sizes:

  • 320 x 480 pixels
  • 640 x 960 pixels (high resolution)

I've tried to screenshot my app within the iPhone Simulator. But here the status bar is on the screen including signal strength, carrier, time and battery life. So there are two possibilities:

  • include status bar with wrong information
  • clean status bar for myself (use Photoshop or something like this and then I have to be aware of the gradients ...)
  • leave out status bar, but then violating the HIG (because images are of size 320x460 and 640x920)

Is there a way to hide the informations in the status bar in iPhone Simulator? Should I leave out the status bar as talked here?


It seems that all three answers are right. Here are the solutions:

  1. Supply images of size 320x480 / 640x960 with or without cleared status bar

  2. Crop images (without status bar). Images have the size 320x460 and 640x920 then.

To be conform to the HIG I'll choose option no. 1


  • Have you tried it without doing anything? I think the correct toolbar will be overlaid on top of the image, from the looks of things.