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Session Id placement: Form Hidden Field vs. HTTPOnly Cookie

What are the advantages and disadvantages of placing session id in a hidden form input vs a cookie?

Is it correct to put CSRF-Tag in a hidden form input field and session id in an httpOnly cookie? Which is more secure?


  • I don't think that one is inherently less secure than the other. Security is generally built in layers. By asserting that choice A can be more secure than choice B, when both choices play on the same vertical, you are asserting that security stops there. This is completely false and unsubstantiated in practice.

    By passing around session ids primarily in the form of hidden form inputs you actually create more problems than you solve for yourself. Also, I disagree with the assertion that this in anyway makes you inherently protected from CSRF.

    When you think about what purpose a session serves (retaining state between the server and client over an otherwise stateless protocol), it doesn't actually make sense to say I will pass all of my session ids via hidden input fields. Because, for one, not every request made to your server involves the use of a form. For another, the state is lost the moment the user refreshes the page or closes their browser. This isn't pragmatic at all.

    It is correct to place CSRF tokens in hidden inputs. It's also not incorrect to send them along to the client via HTTP headers. The CSRF token by itself isn't enough to prevent the attack. What's also needed is that the server understands how to recognize that this toke, which was supposedly uniquely generated for this client, is not reused and not tied to another session by the same user.

    Since generally a CSRF attack is based on the premise that you cannot distinguish the real user from the malicious forgery, the idea is to make the forger's job more difficult by regenerating the token for every request. Coupled with a use-only-once requirement and it doesn't actually matter anymore that the session is hijacked. So you really shouldn't try to solve this problem at the wrong level, by assuming that you can somehow solve both problems by relying on passing your session ids in hidden inputs and convincing yourself that this is more secure than storing the session id in a cookie. It's not. There should be additional layers of security to protect your sessions from session hijacking or session fixation attacks like using SSL only cookies, HSTS, and regnerating session ids (while deleting the old session files) upon re-authentication requests. Also, forcing re-authentication for user-level non-idempotent actions.

    But please please don't assume that hidden input makes you inherently more secure from CSRF or Session Fixation, or any of these attacks. It doesn't!