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How to get all elements' text attribute at once in Robot Framework?

I have some web elements which has the same prefix for their ID attribute. I can get these elements all at once with get webelements; I want to extract their text attribute with one command. I have wrote this line:

${elList} =     get webelements     xpath=//*[starts-with(@id, '${formName}:${row}')]
${rowList} =    evaluate            [item.get_attribute('text') for item in ${elList}]   selenium

Which returns:

Evaluating expression '[item.get_attribute('text') for item in [<selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement object at 0x7f7b6c5f09d0>, <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement object at 0x7f7b6c5f0990>]]' failed: SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)

I can't understand the problem here; BTW I'll appreciate any other solution for my issue.

EDIT1: I also have tried below code:

${elList} =     get webelements     xpath=//*[starts-with(@id, '${formName}:${row}')]
:FOR    ${item}     IN      @{elList}
\   log to console  ${item.get_attribute('text')}

But the console just shows None; it is the same for ${item.get_attribute('value')}.


  • I've solved this; I found this answer and used ${item.get_attribute('innerHTML')} as a try. It worked pretty fine.