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How can I get the current signed user info after the token has been receive in Magento 2 Rest API

After looking at the Magento 2 REST token-base Authentication System. upon Successful login, I received an authorization token but I don't know how to get the current customer details with the token so I can know the current user.

Here is the instruction to get te token I followed.


  • you can use these methods to receive information about yourself (i guess you logged in as customer)

    Retrieve default billing address for the given customerId:

    GET http://Magento-2-0/index.php/rest/V1/customers/me/billingAddress

    Retrieve default shipping address for the given customerId:

    GET http://Magento-2-0/index.php/rest/V1/customers/me/shippingAddress

    To retrieve common customer info you should use:

    GET http://Magento-2-0/index.php/rest/V1/customers/me

    response should be something like:

      "id": 0,
      "groupId": 0,
      "defaultBilling": "string",
      "defaultShipping": "string",
      "confirmation": "string",
      "createdAt": "string",
      "updatedAt": "string",
      "createdIn": "string",
      "dob": "string",
      "email": "string",
      "firstname": "string",
      "lastname": "string",
      "middlename": "string",
      "prefix": "string",
      "suffix": "string",
      "gender": 0,
      "storeId": 0,
      "taxvat": "string",
      "websiteId": 0,
      "addresses": [
          "id": 0,
          "customerId": 0,
          "region": {
            "regionCode": "string",
            "region": "string",
            "regionId": 0,
            "extensionAttributes": {}
          "regionId": 0,
          "countryId": "string",
          "street": [
          "company": "string",
          "telephone": "string",
          "fax": "string",
          "postcode": "string",
          "city": "string",
          "firstname": "string",
          "lastname": "string",
          "middlename": "string",
          "prefix": "string",
          "suffix": "string",
          "vatId": "string",
          "defaultShipping": true,
          "defaultBilling": true,
          "extensionAttributes": {},
          "customAttributes": [
              "attributeCode": "string",
              "value": "string"
      "disableAutoGroupChange": 0,
      "extensionAttributes": {},
      "customAttributes": [
          "attributeCode": "string",
          "value": "string"

    Each call should have header "Authorization":"Bearer token"