Can anyone help me for upserting the record in CRM11 using kingswaysoft crm connector ?
I have an excel sheet which contains employee number and other details, not any guid. I need to insert or update these data in CRM11.
Do we need guid to update the record. Can we not proceed for update without guid I mean based on employee number ? If yes then how to fetch the guid using employee number through CRM connector ?
Here need DEPARTMENT entity detail based on their name provided in excel sheet, basically need to LOOKUP. Is it possible to fetch other entities details like department through CRM connector instead of directly pointing to the sql database ?
We (I work for KingswaySoft) support manually specified fields to be used for Upsert operation. It is a relatively simple configuration. You basically choose Upsert as the action on the general page of the CRM destination component, then "Manually Specify" as the Upsert/Update matching criteria. After that, you would head to the Columns page to select the matching fields which become the Upsert key fields. In the case that you set up this type of manually Upsert, you don't need to worry about GUID (and you should not map the primary key field just to be safe). When the Upsert action happens, we actually first do a lookup of the key values based on the matching fields that you have selected, it would create a new record if no match is found and our component will return the newly created record's ID in the default output. If a match is found, we use the GUID value from the lookup operation to perform an Update.
If you have to perform the Upsert based on a field from a lookup (or related) entity, you would have to go a different approach (as suggested by our team above), you would be using an SSIS Merge Join component. The idea is, you use a CRM source component to read from CRM. The source component would be using a FetchXML query that reads from the target entity by joining with the lookup (or related) entity that you want to pull the key values. After the merge join component, you would know whether a match is found. If a match is not found, then you would send to a destination component to perform a Create action. Otherwise, if a match is found, you would send it to a destination component that performs the Update action. The merge join component would be doing a left join.
Hope this helps. Please feel free to let me know if there is anything else that we can help with.