I yesterday upgraded our Azure Notification Hub (ANH) from Free to Standard.
When we call NotificationHubClient.GetNotificationOutcomeDtailsAsync
for a valid NotificationId
we get a good NotificationDetails
structure, except that the PnsErrorDetailsUri
property is always null.
However if I use the SendRestExample against the same ANH I am able to get a valid contrainerUri
(e.g. the sample's REST call to https://<mynamespace>.servicebus.windows.net/<My Namespace>/feedbackcontrain?api-version=2015-04
) which the SendRestExample code is able to then GET and traverse.
Is there a bug in the NotificationHubClient.GetNotificationOutcomeDetailsAsync
code such that it does not ever fill in the PnsErrorDetailsUri
property? Do I need to wait 24-hours before NotificationHubClient.GetNotificationOutcomeDetailsAsync
will work like the raw REST calls work?
Please refer to Retrieve platform notification system error details with Azure Notification Hubs for more details and note that the URI will be null
when there's no error from PNSes.