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Azure Notification Hubs - GetNotificationOutcomeDetailAsync PnsErrorDetailsUri always NULL

I yesterday upgraded our Azure Notification Hub (ANH) from Free to Standard.
When we call NotificationHubClient.GetNotificationOutcomeDtailsAsync for a valid NotificationId we get a good NotificationDetails structure, except that the PnsErrorDetailsUri property is always null.

However if I use the SendRestExample against the same ANH I am able to get a valid contrainerUri (e.g. the sample's REST call to https://<mynamespace><My Namespace>/feedbackcontrain?api-version=2015-04) which the SendRestExample code is able to then GET and traverse.

Is there a bug in the NotificationHubClient.GetNotificationOutcomeDetailsAsync code such that it does not ever fill in the PnsErrorDetailsUri property? Do I need to wait 24-hours before NotificationHubClient.GetNotificationOutcomeDetailsAsync will work like the raw REST calls work?


  • Please refer to Retrieve platform notification system error details with Azure Notification Hubs for more details and note that the URI will be null when there's no error from PNSes.