I have a table in PostgreSQL that includes information about documents. Lets say something like that:
table: doc
id (int)
name (string)
type (int)
type is a category for a document (e.g. 1 - passport, 2 - insurance etc.). Also I have different tables with additional information for every docyment type.
table: info
id (int)
doc_id (fk)
info (additional columns)
I want to have a SQLAlchemy model to work with each type of document linked with it's additional information and be able to manage columns to display (for Flask-Admin if it is important).
Now to join two tables into some sort of "model" I used Mapping Table Columns from the SQLAlchemy documentation like that (when there was only one type of documents):
class DocMapping(db.Model):
__table__ = doc.__table__.join(info)
__mapper_args__ = {
'primary_key': [doc.__table__.c.id]
Now the question is that: how to create multiple classes inherited from db.Model (DocPassportMapping, DocInsuranceMapping etc.) based on doc.type column?
Something like that:
__table__ = doc.__table__.join(info).filter(doc.type)
That is obviously not working because we don't have a query object here.
If I understood you correctly, you wish to have an inheritance hierarchy based on DocMapping
with DocMapping.type
as the polymorphic identity. Since you have not provided a complete example, here is a somewhat similar structure. It has differences for sure, but should be applicable to yours. This uses single table inheritance on top of the joined mapping.
The models:
In [2]: class Doc(Base):
...: id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
...: name = Column(Unicode)
...: type = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
...: __tablename__ = 'doc'
In [3]: class Info(Base):
...: __tablename__ = 'info'
...: doc_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('doc.id'), primary_key=True)
...: value = Column(Unicode)
...: doc = relationship('Doc', backref=backref('info', uselist=False))
In [4]: class DocMapping(Base):
...: __table__ = Doc.__table__.join(Info)
...: __mapper_args__ = {
...: 'primary_key': (Doc.id, ),
...: # These declare this mapping polymorphic
...: 'polymorphic_on': Doc.type,
...: 'polymorphic_identity': 0,
...: }
In [5]: class Passport(DocMapping):
...: __mapper_args__ = {
...: 'polymorphic_identity': 1,
...: }
In [6]: class Insurance(DocMapping):
...: __mapper_args__ = {
...: 'polymorphic_identity': 2,
...: }
In [7]: session.add(Insurance(name='Huono vakuutus',
...: value='0-vakuutus, mitään ei kata'))
In [8]: session.commit()
In [15]: session.query(DocMapping).all()
Out[15]: [<__main__.Insurance at 0x7fdc0a086400>]
In [16]: _[0].name, _[0].value
Out[16]: ('Huono vakuutus', '0-vakuutus, mitään ei kata')
The thing is: you probably do not want multiple classes that inherit from db.Model
as base, but classes that inherit from DocMapping
. It makes a lot more sense as a hierarchy.