I'm trying to run Togglz Console on Spring Boot, but I get this on screen:
(type=Forbidden, status=403). You are not allowed to access the Togglz Console.
I just noticed many people have the same problem, and some solutions worked for them. But I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.
Here my code:
public enum MyFeatures implements Feature {
@Label("The list of employees can be displayed")
@Label("Second Feature")
public boolean isActive() {
return FeatureContext.getFeatureManager().isActive(this);
public FeatureProvider featureProvider() {
return new EnumBasedFeatureProvider(MyFeatures.class);
public class MyTogglzConfiguration implements TogglzConfig {
public Class<? extends Feature> getFeatureClass() {
return null;
public StateRepository getStateRepository() {
return null;
public UserProvider getUserProvider() {
return new UserProvider() {
public FeatureUser getCurrentUser() {
return new SimpleFeatureUser("admin", true);
My dependencies:
enabled:true # Enable Togglz for the application.
feature-enums:# Comma-separated list of fully-qualified feature enum class names.
feature-manager-name:# The name of the feature manager.
features:# The feature states. Only needed if feature states are stored in application properties.
REVERSE_GREETING.param.users:user2, user3
features-file:# The path to the features file that contains the feature states. Only needed if feature states are stored in external properties file.
features-file-min-check-interval:# The minimum amount of time in milliseconds to wait between checks of the file's modification date.
enabled:false # Enable feature state caching.
time-to-live:0 # The time after which a cache entry will expire.
time-unit:milliseconds # The time unit as java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit enum name (one of "nanoseconds", "microseconds", "milliseconds", "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days").
enabled:true # Enable admin console.
path:/togglz-console # The path of the admin console when enabled.
feature-admin-authority:ROLE_ADMIN # The name of the authority that is allowed to access the admin console.
secured:false # Indicates if the admin console runs in secured mode. If false the application itself should take care of securing the admin console.
id:togglz # The endpoint identifier.
enabled:true # Enable actuator endpoint.
sensitive:true # Indicates if the endpoint exposes sensitive information.
I'd appreciate if someone could help me out.
I already found what I did wrong, so my tips:
- No need for MyTogglzConfiguration class
- Change application.properties to application.yml
- Use either Spring Security for togglz-console or make is disabled.
My updated application properties (application.yml):
togglz.console.enabled: true
feature-enums: service.Features
path: /togglz-console
secured: false