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MongoDB 2dsphere index fails (malformed geometry?)

I'm currently trying to build an 2dsphere index, but the creation seems to fail.

The document on which the index creation fails is valid geojson (according to geojsonlint).

Also as far as I can see it obeys the MongoDB "Polygon" rules.

I would appreciate any help, since I can't figure out why the index creation seems to fail.

Thanks in advance!

db.poly.ensureIndex( { loc: "2dsphere" } )
        "createdCollectionAutomatically" : false,
        "numIndexesBefore" : 1,
        "ok" : 0,
        "errmsg" : "Can't extract geo keys from object, malformed geometry?: { _
id: 353, loc: { type: \"Polygon\", coordinates: [ [ [ 8.090732000000001, 53.6379
766 ], [ 8.050639500000001, 53.6250853 ], [ 8.036974600000001, 53.6286108 ], [ 7
.994035500000001, 53.6016978 ], [ 8.0120927, 53.59855020000001 ], [ 8.0102720000
00001, 53.5883803 ], [ 8.023379, 53.5867745 ], [ 8.0148004, 53.5832729 ], [ 8.02
6839500000001, 53.57895840000001 ], [ 8.0271685, 53.5727671 ], [ 8.0432450000000
01, 53.57190120000001 ], [ 8.0386477, 53.565241 ], [ 8.0192488, 53.5609644 ], [
8.030192100000001, 53.5508096 ], [ 8.037298, 53.5565769 ], [ 8.041402400000001,
53.55249540000001 ], [ 8.030647100000001, 53.53854200000001 ], [ 8.0381080000000
01, 53.5275022 ], [ 8.048501400000001, 53.5243656 ], [ 8.051459700000001, 53.509
912 ], [ 8.091510100000001, 53.50258460000001 ], [ 8.153839000000001, 53.5148059
0000001 ], [ 8.1708242, 53.53993010000001 ], [ 8.164240300000001, 53.5287913 ],
[ 8.1562255, 53.531339 ], [ 8.1700993, 53.54524050000001 ], [ 8.150740200000001,
 53.5596328 ], [ 8.1539377, 53.56452330000001 ], [ 8.1408203, 53.58015880000001
], [ 8.155694800000001, 53.5858101 ], [ 8.1496093, 53.60191990000001 ], [ 8.1234
503, 53.5984032 ], [ 8.090732000000001, 53.6379766 ] ] ] } }",
        "code" : 16755


  • There was an intersection in the coordinates, but I couldn't see it through because it wasn't obvious!

    MongoDB doesn't allow inserting a polygon which lines would intersect.