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functions in .Rprofile are not found with are in .env

I have a .Rprofile I have copied from However, when I load my R session the functions that are in env$ they don't work and the functions not in env works perfectly, here is an example:

sshhh <- function(a.package){
   library(a.package, character.only=TRUE)))

 auto.loads <-c("dplyr", "ggplot2")

  invisible(sapply(auto.loads, sshhh))

.env <- new.env()

.env$unrowname <- function(x) {
 rownames(x) <- NULL

.env$unfactor <- function(df){
 id <- sapply(df, is.factor)
 df[id] <- lapply(df[id], as.character)

message("n*** Successfully loaded .Rprofile ***n")

Once R is loaded I can type sshhh and it shows the function, but if I type unfactor it shows object not found

Any help? Should I put all the functions on my workspace???


  • They functions created in a separate environment are intentionally hidden. This is to protect them from calls to rm(list=ls()).

    From the original article:

    [Lines 58-59]: This creates a new hidden namespace that we can store some functions in. We need to do this in order for these functions to survive a call to “rm(list=ls())” which will remove everything in the current namespace. This is described wonderfully in this blog post [1].

    To use the unfactor function, you would call .env$unfactor().

    If you want to make those function available in the global namespace without having to refer to .env, you can simply leave out the whole .env part and just add the function the same way you did for the sshhh function.
