How can i remove part of string from example:
@@lang_eng_begin@@test@@lang_eng_end@@ @@lang_fr_begin@@school@@lang_fr_end@@ @@lang_esp_begin@@test33@@lang_esp_end@@
I always want to pull middle of string: test, school, test33
. from this string.
I Read about ltrim, substr and other but I had no good ideas how to do this. Becouse each of strings can have other length for example :
'eng', 'fr'
I just want have string from middle between @@ and @@. to Maye someone can help me? I tried:
foreach ($article as $art) {
$title = $art->titl = str_replace("@@lang_eng_begin@@", "", $art->title);
$art->cleanTitle = str_replace("@@lang_eng_end@@", "", $title);
But there
can be changed to
in next row so i ahvent idea how to fix that
If your strings are always in this format, an explode
way looks easy:
$str = "@@lang_eng_begin@@test@@lang_eng_end@@ ";
$res = explode("@@", $str)[2];
echo $res;
You may use a regex and extract the value in between the non-starting @@
and next @@
$re = "/(?!^)@@(.*?)@@/";
$str = "@@lang_eng_begin@@test@@lang_eng_end@@ ";
preg_match($re, $str, $match);
See the PHP demo. Here, the regex matches a @@
that is not at the string start ((?!^)@@
), then captures into Group 1 any 0+ chars other than newline as few as possible ((.*?)
) up to the first @@
Or, replace all @@...@@
substrings with `preg_replace:
$re = "/@@.*?@@/";
$str = "@@lang_eng_begin@@test@@lang_eng_end@@ ";
echo preg_replace($re, "", $str);
See another demo. Here, we just remove all non-overlapping substrings beginning with @@
, then having any 0+ chars other than a newline up to the first @@