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HQL Select Query

How to select a row based on a unique column. In my table, Id is auto generated. I am using phone number to select the row which is unique in my table schema.


 Id    Phone      Name
 1     2209897    abc
 2     5436567    def

Here, Id is primary key. Phone is unique.

I am using phone to login. I donot want a list to be generated but a single row as output.

 public class CustomerDetailsDAOImpl implements CustomerDetailsDAO {

SessionFactory sessionFactory;

public List<CustomerDetails> getCustomer(String customerPhone) {
    Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();

    Query q = session.createQuery("from CustomerDetails where customerPhone =:p");
    q.setParameter("p", customerPhone);

    List<CustomerDetails> customer = q.getResultList();
    return customer;



  • Use getSingleResult() instead of using getListResult().This Executes a SELECT query that returns a single untyped result. So whenever you expect a single record to be retrieved with unique type, should use getSingleResult().

     public class CustomerDetailsDAOImpl implements CustomerDetailsDAO {
    SessionFactory sessionFactory;
    public List<CustomerDetails> getCustomer(String customerPhone) {
        Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
        Query q = session.createQuery("from CustomerDetails where customerPhone =:p");
        q.setParameter("p", customerPhone);
        CustomerDetails customer = q.getSingleResult();
        return customer;

    Hope this helps :)