I am setting up a bunch of computers, and for this i am using powershell.
To setup admin accounts, i have used the net command, but as I get some pc's with danish OS and some with english the commands differ slightly.
Danish version:
net localgroup Administratorer username /add
english version:
net localgroup Administrators username /add
This means i need two versions of the script. is it possible to take another aproach? perhaps using some ID to identify the admin group? like writing 3334 instead of administator
The builtin Administrators group may indeed have different names depending on the installation language, but the group's security identifier is always the same:
To find the local name, use WMI:
$AdminGroupName = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Group -Filter 'LocalAccount = True AND SID = "S-1-5-32-544"').Name
Now you can do:
net localgroup $AdminGroupName username /add