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Convert an r dataframe to correct format to use rep

I have a data frame of the form

A = data.frame(c(1485,1486,1701,1808))
names(A) <- c("ID")

and a second data frame of the form

B = data.frame(1:12)
names(B) <- "value"

I want to be able to use this with rep to form a second column in B such that I have

B$new <- rep(A,each = 3, length.out = 12)


> B
   value  new
1      1 1485
2      2 1485
3      3 1485
4      4 1486
5      5 1486
6      6 1486
7      7 1701
8      8 1701
9      9 1701
10    10 1808
11    11 1808
12    12 1808

this works fine if I define A = c(1485,1486,1701,1808) , but because A is a dataframe it does not. How do I convert A into the correct form to use with rep? I have tried as.list, as.vector, as.integer unsuccessfully.


  • As A is a dataframe, you need to specify which column you want to repeat. (here ID)

    B$new <- rep(A$ID,each = 3, length.out = 12)
    #   value  new
    #1      1 1485
    #2      2 1485
    #3      3 1485
    #4      4 1486
    #5      5 1486
    #6      6 1486
    #7      7 1701
    #8      8 1701
    #9      9 1701
    #10    10 1808
    #11    11 1808
    #12    12 1808

    In your case, this would also work without using length.out argument

    rep(A$ID,each = 3)

    It would repeat every ID in A 3 times giving the same result.