Is there anyway to set SOAP-ENV header in spring integration xml from spring integration headers ?
I tried below approach and expected bId
to be populated to soap headers
<int:chain id="soapcall" input-channel="soapchannel">
<int-xml:header name="bId" expression="headers['bId']"/>
<int-ws:outbound-gateway uri="${soap.url}" interceptor="myInterceptor">
However Actual output doesn't have the header. see below:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""
<SOAP-ENV:Body> ...
I also looked into below approach inside chain before calling outbound gateway. It seems this header enricher takes only soap action as header. So this throws exception action headers not found
<int-ws:header-enricher >
<int-ws:soap-action expression="headers['bId']"/>
I also looked into this post. But I couldn't get this compiled inside a chain.
I'm not sure what is the <int-xml:header-enricher>
, but it doesn't matter.
What you need is called header-mapper
on the <int-ws:outbound-gateway>
Its code looks like:
protected void populateStandardHeaders(Map<String, Object> headers, SoapMessage target) {
String soapAction = getHeaderIfAvailable(headers, WebServiceHeaders.SOAP_ACTION, String.class);
if (!StringUtils.hasText(soapAction)) {
soapAction = "\"\"";
protected void populateUserDefinedHeader(String headerName, Object headerValue, SoapMessage target) {
SoapHeader soapHeader = target.getSoapHeader();
if (headerValue instanceof String) {
QName qname = QNameUtils.parseQNameString(headerName);
soapHeader.addAttribute(qname, (String) headerValue);
So, by default it maps WebServiceHeaders.SOAP_ACTION
as a standard one, and all those user defined if they are String
and only as attribute
of the target SOAP-ENV:Header
Those user defined headers can be mapped by the:
<xsd:attribute name="mapped-request-headers" type="xsd:string">
Comma-separated list of names of SOAP Headers to be mapped from the SOAP request into the MessageHeaders.
This can only be provided if the 'header-mapper' reference is not being set directly. The values in
this list can also be simple patterns to be matched against the header names (e.g. "foo*" or "*foo").
If you need to populate sub-elements to the <SOAP-ENV:Header>
, you don't have choice unless extend DefaultSoapHeaderMapper
and override that populateUserDefinedHeader()
and use SoapHeader.addHeaderElement()
Also look into the Reference Manual.