I'm studying the Android API and bumped into the onAccuracyChanged method.
Googled and searched on StackOverflow but I still don't understand in what occasion the accuracy of a sensor might change.
I tried implementing the code in the answer of the thread below: onAccuracyChanged, why?
Testing this, I don't have a clue how to trigger this method. Even though it might not be useful in any case. There must be a reason why this was provided in the interface.
So out of curiosity. Does anyone know how I might trigger this call?
An example of a sensor on mobile devices that sometimes needs calibration is a compass.
So you might be able to observe accuracy changed events by experimenting with the sensor type TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD
The results you receive will be from this list:
So you can see the states reflect sensors that are either performing well, need to be calibrated, or just don't work.