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Removing list underline with CSS

So I'm using Wordpress to make my website ( and the theme I'm using puts an underline on one of its lists but not the rest. I'd like to remove the underlines from the "Recent blog posts" widget of the footer with CSS. I'm not amazing at CSS or HTML so I'm not sure how to fix this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the HTML associated with the list:

    <div id="footer_two" class="span4">

<aside id="recent-posts-3" class="widget widget_recent_entries">        
<h3 class="widget-title">Recent Blog Posts</h3>     <ul>
                    <li class="">
                <a href="">Moto 360 on iPhone Review</a>
                    <li class="">
                <a href="">How Good is TGT?</a>
                    <li class="">
                <a href="">Dr. Boom Used to Suck – Card Theory</a>
                    <li class="">
                <a href="">How to Become a Rocket League Pro!</a>
                    <li class="">
                <a href="">How to Start a Twitch Channel in 6 Minutes!</a>


  • .widget_recent_entries li {
       border-bottom: none !mportant;
       position: relative;