I'm running into the same problem as outlined in this post:
Executing Oracle function and getting back a return value
I can do this in my Toad client successfully:
declare result varchar2(30);
result:=WEBUSER.F_UpdateParticipant(json input_goes here);
and get the return value shown in dbms_output. This function returns:
But I cannot get the output returned to Petapoco. I've also tried using output params like this:
var result = new Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleParameter("result",Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleDbType.Varchar2, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output);
var sql = "DECLARE result VARCHAR2(30);" +
" @0:=WEBUSER.F_UpdateParticipant(@1);" +
_db.db.Execute(sql, result, json);
res = result.ToString();
var result = new Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleParameter("result",Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleDbType.Varchar2, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output);
var sql = "DECLARE result VARCHAR2(30);" +
" @result:=WEBUSER.F_UpdateParticipant(@1);" +
_db.db.Execute(sql, result, json);
res = result.ToString();
Yes, used both Execute and ExecuteScalar with same results. This function does an insert as well as an update so I CANNOT do SELECT WEBUSER.F_UpdateParticipant(json input_goes here) from DUAL;
here because I'll get the cannot perform a DML operation inside a query
I don't really want to go back to the ADO way of doing these types of queries.
I had tried it before from looking at my previous post. However, when I wrote the SQL, I included the wrapped version and that is what caused the exception, the wrapped sql. If the SQL is written like below, it works, perfectly.
public string UpdateParticipant(ParticipantUpdate Participant)
string ret = "";
IsoDateTimeConverter dt = new IsoDateTimeConverter();
dt.DateTimeFormat = "MM-dd-yyyy"; // we must have this format for our dates
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Participant, dt);
// Creating this output parameter is the key to getting the info back.
var result = new OracleParameter
ParameterName = "RESULT",
Direction = System.Data.ParameterDirection.InputOutput,
Size = 100,
OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Varchar2
// Now, setting the SQL like this using the result as the output parameter is what does the job.
string sql = $@"DECLARE result varchar2(1000); BEGIN @0 := WEBUSER.F_UpdateParticipant(@1); END;";
var res = _db.db.Execute(sql, result, json);
// Now return the value of the Output parameter!!
ret = result.Value.ToString();
return ret;