How can I display the chess board content as strings in C language (the chess pieces and dots or spaces for the empty spots) and store the strings in a table ? I can show what I have already done.
In general what you need is an 8x8 array of strings. Since C strings are them selves zero-terminated char arrays, it ends up as a 3D char array.
Something like:
#define MAX_TEXT 30
char board[8][8][MAX_TEXT];
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<8; ++i)
for (j=0; j<8; ++j)
strcpy(board[i][j], "."); // Make all spots empty
strcpy(board[0][1], "knight"); // Put a knight at location (0, 1)
// and so on ...
Update due to comment
To place the 4 knights using loops, you can do something like:
for (i=0; i<8; i = i + 7) // i will be 0 and 7
for (j=1; j<8; j = j + 5) // j will be 1 and 6
strcpy(board[i][j], "knight"); // Put a knight at location (0, 1)
// (0, 6)
// (7, 1)
// (7, 6)
p.s. I hope the locations are the correct once - I'm not a chess player...