I try to eleminate elements from a set, that are present on a different sequence in Clojure. But the clojure.set/difference
doesn't seem to work as I expect it. Where is my error?
Some examples:
(difference #{3 2} '())
Result: #{3 2}
(as expected)
(difference #{3 2} '(3))
Result: #{2}
(as expected)
(difference #{3 2} '(1))
Result: #{3 2}
(as expected)
(difference #{3 2} '(2 3))
Result: #{}
(as expected)
(difference #{3 2} '(1 2 3))
Instead of a result I get IllegalArgumentException contains? not supported on type: clojure.lang.PersistentList clojure.lang.RT.contains (RT.java:814)
Expected result: #{}
So it seems, that the clojure.set/difference
function fails, when the result is the empty set and the set of elements to be removed has a higher cardinality than the original set. But the question is: why doesn't this work? I'd expect that this is a legal application of clojure.set/difference
This doesn't work because the difference function compares the sizes of the two inputs and iterates over the smaller collection and removes elements from the first one. If the second argument is larger, it uses contains?
to see if an item in the first collection exists in the second. contains?
is not supported on lists so you get the exception.
The functions in clojure.set
should only be called with set arguments.